The Best Way On How to Get Bigger Feet

Are you looking for some practical solutions to increase your feet size? Then you are at the exact place!

In this article, we have shown some easy and practical exercises that anyone can do. By following these, you can do to make your feet appear bigger. So, read this post about how to get bigger feet, and you’ll know which exercise or tips help you out.

How To Get Bigger Feet

You can increase your feet size by doing some physical workout and having a balanced diet. So, let’s check them out.

1.Toe Splay and Curl

This exercise is useful to develop strength and give supports to the feet and toe muscles.

Steps to follow

  • In the beginning, be seated, and your heel should tightly place on the floor.
  • Now you have to do dorsiflex with your ankle to raise the mid and forefoot.
  • Expand your toe, hold this situation for few seconds and then loosen up.
  • Curl your toeas firm as you can for few seconds and then rest.
  • Again, dorsiflex to lift your mid and forefoot and raise off the floor.
  • Keep this position for two seconds, then relax.
  • Move your toe code directly to carry the toe-curling.
  • Keep staying on this situation for a few seconds then release.

2. The Marble Pickup

The marble pickup is good exercise. It helps to strengthen the muscles of your feet.

Steps to follow

  • Pour some marbles on the floor, or you can use a bowl or cup to keep them into it.
  • Now, be seated.
  • Place the bowl or cup before your feet.
  • Use your barefoot to collect and keep them into an empty cup or bowl by using your toe.
  • Repeat this exercise with other feet.

3. Foot massage

You can regularly do foot massage for 30 minutes or one hour. It helps to stimulate muscles, improve blood circulation, reduce your anxiousness, and relieve pain. You can use coconut oil to massage your foot as it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

4. Simple workouts

  • You can do some simple, easy doing workout or exercise such as swimming, strolling, or playing outdoor games (basketball, tennis).
  • It would be best if you rested adequately, so your body has the opportunity to patch.

5. Eat more

  • You can eat meat, entire grains, beans, vegetables, natural products, and nuts.
  • You can intake beef, pork, chicken, fish, and sheep. If you don’t eat meat, then you can eat eggs and beans.

Tips- To keep your feet and lower legs, flexible, reliable, and healthy is a smart thought. So, you can follow some tips-

  • Wear steady footwear for everyday exercises and sports.
  • Prevent any damage by taking proper rest and appropriate treatment and medication.

Final Word

We hope this article about how to get bigger feet will help you to fix your problem.  All of these exercises and solutions are effective and easy to do. You can choose any one of the above methods and follow steps to get a better result.